Peri-implantitis Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention
Location: Merimna Institute Athens- Greece
Date: February 13-14, 2016
Tuition Fees: 450 €
INTRODUCTION: Biologic implant complications: a myth or a new reality (case discussion) – Prof. Donos
Peri-implantitis (Diagnosis, prognosis & risk fcators) – Prof. Donos
Coffee break
Implants in periodontal patients (teeth vs. implants; Survival and success of implants in periodontal patients) Dr. Mardas
Implant treatment protocols in periodontal patients; (The pyramid model) – Dr. Mardas Maintenance of implants in periodontal patients – Prof. Donos
Treatment planning exercises Dr. Mardas & Prof. Donos
Treatment of peri-implantitis
• Non surgical – Prof. Donos
• Antibiotics & other adjunctive
• Surgical: resective surgery vs. GBR – Prof. Donos
Coffee break
Practical exercise
• Flap design for surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
• Osseous resection for surgical treatment of peri-implantitis
Practical exercise
• Suturing techniques for resective and regenerative surgery
Prof. Donos Nikolaos
Professor Nikolaos Donos is the Chair of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry and the Head of the Centre for Oral Clinical Research at the Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Furthermore, Professor Donos is the Director of Clinical Research Facility at Institute of Dentistry at QMUL which specializes in the provision of randomized controlled clinical trials and at clinically applicable translational research studies. Until recently, Professor Donos was the Head & Chair of Periodontology, Director of Research, Head of Clinical Research and Programme Director for the MClinDent training programme in Periodontology at the UCL- Eastman Dental Institute, London.
In 2009, Professor Donos was awarded the title of Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Dentistry in Hong Kong and in 2012 he was awarded the title of Adjunct Professor at the Dental School, Griffith University, Australia. In 2011, Professor Donos was awarded the prestigious annual IADR-Periodontology Group Award in Periodontal Regenerative Medicine during the annual IADR meeting in San Diego, California. Furthermore, in June 2011, Professor Donos together with his research team received a commendation certificate during the prestigious Medical Futures event for their (UCLB) patented technology which is based on their research work on synthetic peptide drugs for bone and blood vessels regeneration.
Professor Donos has more than 150 publications in international peer reviewed journals. Prof Donos is also involved as editorial board member in a number of international and national peer-reviewed journals in the field of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry especially in relation to regenerative procedures and has published extensively in both fields.
The clinical expertise of Professor Donos is in the field of Periodontics and Implant Dentistry. He has significant clinical experience in periodontal and bone tissue regeneration, implant related surgical procedures as well as treatment of peri-implantitis, topics which he regularly lectures on a national and international level.

Dipl.D.S, MS, PhD, Specialist in Periodontics
Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant
Centre for Adult Oral Health,
Bart’s & The London School of Dentistry & Hospital, QMUL
Dr Nikos Mardas qualified in Dentistry from Athens University in 1992. He completed his 3-year training as a specialist and the MS degree in Periodontology in 1997 and his PhD degree in 2005 at the Royal Dental College, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
During the period 2005-2015 was a Senior Lecturer / Honorary Specialist and M.Clin.Dent program co-ordinator in Periodontology Unit, at UCL, Eastman Dental Institute. In July 2015, he was appointed Senior Clinical Lecturer & Honorary Consultant (Associate Professor level) in the Centre for Adult Oral Health, Institute of Dentistry, within Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London and Honorary Senior Lecturer in UCL, Eastman Dental Institute. At the same time, he is a consultant Periodontist & Implant Surgeon in 4 private practices.
Dr Mardas has published many papers in national and international peer-reviewed journals in the field of periodontal, bone regeneration and implant dentistry, he is editorial board member in Clinical oral Implant Research and reviewer for all the main international journals of his field. He has participated in consensus meetings of EAO, EFP and EADE. Dr Mardas has extensively lectured nationally and internationally and in 2011 was awarded the Basic Research Prize, of the European Association for Osseointegration. In March 2015 was appointed Education Delegate for the UK & Ireland ITI section.
Dr. Mardas has more than 18 years of private practice and university / hospital based clinical experience in treatment of periodontal diseases including conventional and regenerative periodontal surgery, periodontal plastic surgery, alveolar bone augmentation procedures and dental implants alone or in combination with bone grafting procedures.
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